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WPC is a decentralized experimental movement that aims to unite the world through fitness and to build the biggest fitness community worldwide. 

WPC has no value and should not be looked at as an investment with any expectation of monetary benefit.

If you participate in the presale, you are making a sacrifice for the WPC movement in exchange for tokens that have no value.



  1. Why WPC? Low barrier to entry and participation; pushups are a great exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime by anyone. 

  2.  World fitness movement is the ultimate mission, that includes all forms of exercises including martial arts, running, weightlifting, etc.  We will build the biggest community worldwide. Join our Telegram community here

  3. WPC is designed to last a lifetime; beyond any individual but collectively as a worldwide community mission.

  4. We will approach everything through simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness --no crazy promises and business model. Emphasis on community involvement.

  5. Start pushup challenges/competitions worldwide.

  6. Maximize the power of social media for exercise challenges.

  7. Achievement recognition.

  8. Influencer recognition. 

  9. Worldwide fitness community of acceptance, motivation, and support. 

  10.  Connect the world through fitness.

  11. Be one of the projects to really onboard people to the blockchain around the world to help propel this amazing technology.

  12.  Help create better, stronger, and mindful humans--the mind and body are one unit. 


  1. Two NFTs collections are done

  2. We are testing contracts on test nets to ensure safety and everything will function accordingly

  3.  The contract will be renounced.

  4. We are looking for people who can provide value to the project. Reach out to @Seattle_Crypto  or @BigMikeO on Telegram. 

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